Name: I/C Number: Callsign: Address: Postal Code: State: Please Choose A State Does Not Apply Kuala Lumpur Perlis Kedah Perak Selangor Negeri Sembilan Melaka Johor Pahang Terengganu Kelantan Sabah Sarawak Labuan Nationality: Passport No: Date Of Birth: Sex: Sex Male Female Profession: Office Phone: Home Phone: Fax: Hand Phone: Email: I, the undersigned, agree that in the event of my election to membership of MARTS, will abide by, and observe the rules, regulations and articles of the Society. I further agree to observe strictly the terms of my license issued to me by the responsible authorities to operate transmitting or receiving apparatus. Signature: ____________________ Date: Enclosed Select OneCross ChequePostal OrderMoney Order No: All subscription cheque to be made in the name of "MARTS" Entrance Fee = RM 20.00 Transmitting Membership = RM 50.00 Malaysian Associate Membership (SWL's) = RM 25.00 Overseas Associate Members (All Categories) = RM 32.00 Family Membership Transmitting (Spouses/unmarried children) = RM 25.00 Family Membership SWL (Spouses/unmarried children) = RM 15.50 A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO UNION